Tutorial: Roll-up

The roll-up is one of the most challenging and frustrating exercises in the Pilates repertoire. It requires a great deal of strength, flexibility, and some finesse. In this tutorial, I will help you master the Roll-up by breaking it down and the use of props.

Tutorial: The Hundred

The Hundred is the quintessential Pilates exercise. The Hundred is a full-body exercise in which you vigorously pump the arms with 100 counts of breath (inhaling for five counts and exhaling for five counts).

Joseph Pilates designed The Hundred to be a warm-up, and traditionally it comes at the beginning of a Pilates session.

The Hundred is a very challenging exercise, but this tutorial breaks it down to be accessible for anyone.

Tutorial: Quadruped

Quadruped, or all fours, is a foundational position used in Pilates. In this tutorial, I break down Quadruped so you can always start from a place of strength and control. This will make all of your front support exercises (think planks) stronger and help to alleviate wrist pain and other discomforts.

Tutorial: Swan

Being able to move your spine in all directions is super vital to the overall health and wellbeing of your spine. Since we spend so much of our lives in spinal flexion (i.e., looking down at our phones, computer, etc.), back extension is essential for counteracting all that flexion. Swan is a great way to learn back extension, and in this tutorial, I am breaking it down for you.

Tutorial: Side-Lying Series

I have a side-lying series in almost all of my Pilates classes. This is a foundational series within the Pilates repertoire, and for a good reason. In this tutorial, I break down the mechanics of all the side-lying work so you will get the most out of these exercises. Side-lying is excellent for strengthening the hips, glutes, and obliques and building pelvis stability; it is always a burner that makes it feel like you worked! What’s not to love?!

Tutorial: Teaser

The Teaser is a paramount Pilates exercise. It takes tremendous strength, flexibility, and control. Today, I will walk you through Teaser Prep, Teaser I, Teaser II, and Teaser III (That’s right, there are 3 Teaser versions). Remember, this is an advanced exercise. Don’t be afraid to stick with the modifications and/or prep as you continue to build strength and flexibility. If you struggle with your Roll-up, you will have trouble with the Teaser. Check out my Roll-up Tutorial if you still need to fine-tune your technique.

Tutorial: Spine Stretch Forward & Spine Stretch Side

Spine Stretch Forward and Spine Stretch Side can be deceivingly challenging. The hardest part may be getting into the starting position for those of you with tight hamstrings.

It is more important to start with a straight spine than straight legs. Feel free to prop up your pelvis or bend your knees to achieve this starting position.

This is a stretch for the spine, not the hamstrings. By bending the knees and/or elevating the pelvis, you can take the hamstrings out of the equation and concentrate on the spine.

Tutorial: Saw

Saw is a lovely exercise that marries flexion and rotation. Keep your hips stable and level as you rotate, and then flex your spine as you reach your opposite hand towards your baby toe. Don’t be afraid to bend your knees or elevate your pelvis if you have tight hamstrings. If you feel your legs sliding forward on the mat as you rotate and reach, you are moving your pelvis. Aim for a smaller range of motion with lovely stable hips to get the most out of this exercise.

Tutorial: Side Bend Twist

Make sure you check out my Side Plank Tutorial so you can find a starting position that works best for your body. Remember to keep your hips squared to the front as you rotate from your upper spine. Remember to keep your shoulder in a solid and stable position throughout this exercise.

Tutorial: Side Bend

Side Bend is such an elegant and effective exercise. Make sure you check out my Side Plank Tutorial so you can find a starting position that works best for your body. Keeping your shoulder in a solid and stable place as you move from neutral to flexion is imperative. Use those bottom obliques to lift you into lateral flexion and support you as your hips lower down toward the mat.

Tutorial: Leg Pull Front

Leg Pull Front is a variation of a plank or front support. If you haven’t watched my Plank tutorial check it out. I have broken down this exercise into layers that you can do individually or put together to make a more challenging exercise. The layers make this exercise more accessible, but they also keep your body guessing (which is always a good thing).

Tutorial: Push-Ups

I love push-ups, and I think I can make you a believer too. Even though the benefits of push-ups are fantastic and numerous, I am well aware that many people have a love/hate (maybe more hate) relationship with this exercise. The great news is this tutorial gives you some of my favorite tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your push-ups while also making them more accessible.

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