Tutorial: Single Leg Stretch

Like the Double Leg Stretch, this exercise is an excellent example of all the Pilates principles. Also, remember that a solid and stable center is more important than having a big range of motion. Remember the word stretch in the name. Think about reaching and stretching each leg in opposition to get the most out of this exercise. Please let me know if you have any questions or need modifications or suggestions based on your own body. Enjoy!

Tutorial: Double Leg Stretch

The Double Leg Stretch is a perfect example of all the Pilates principles working together. Remember, a solid and stable center is more important than having a big range of motion. Please let me know if you have any questions or need modifications or suggestions based on your own body. Enjoy!

Tutorial: Supine Spine Twist

I use Supine Twist or Supine Spine Twist in many of my classes. It is a great way to warm up the obliques and stretch out the spine for the more challenging work coming up in the class. This is an exercise that looks easy but the details matter. Remember, keep your hips and knees stacked throughout the movement and anchor through your shoulders. A smaller range of motion is often better with this exercise. Enjoy, and let me know if you have any questions.

Tutorial: Foam Rolling

Here is a quick foam rolling tutorial. I filmed this class in my living room because I think that is a great place to do your rolling. I often do it in from of the TV at night and it doesn’t feel like a chore. The benefits of foam rolling are numerous, and I think it makes a big difference in how my own body feels and performs. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

I recommend a firm, smooth roller but not one that is excessively firm. You can damage your tissue and make the work excessively painful with too dense a roller. I also believe that a full size roller is a better investment than a shorter one because you can do more with them; including a full length Pilates class.

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