Traveling: Three Exercises to Take with You on the Road

I am traveling a lot this summer, and sometimes, I don’t have the time, space, or equipment I usually have available. These are my three go-to Pilates exercises that you can do anywhere when you don’t have time, space, or equipment. 

Pelvic Curl (5-10 reps)

Honestly, you should be doing this exercise every day, no matter where you are. Pelvic curls work your entire body but are specifically helpful in stretching and strengthening your core and back body (think hips, legs, and glutes). 

Key Points: 

  • Start in neutral pelvis/neutral spine
  • Feet hip distance apart
  • Sold pressure across your foot (don’t roll to the outside/inside of the foot)
  • Articulate the spine by engaging the abdominals, tilting the pelvis, and curling the pubic bone towards your nose. 
  • You can start lifting the hips once your lower back finds the back.
  • At the top of the movement there should be a long line from your knees to your hips to your shoulders. 

Abdominal Series (5-10 reps each)

When my private clients ask for homework, this is my go-to. These five exercises are perfect when done regularly and correctly. 

Single Leg Stretch 

Double Leg Stretch


Double Straight Leg Stretch 

Single Straight Leg Stretch 

Key Points:

  • Start in neutral pelvis/neutral spine.
  • When you lift the head, neck, and shoulders into flexion, ensure your lower back is glued to the mat and maintain that connection throughout the entire series.
  • Your pelvis should stay solid as you complete each exercise. To prevent rocking side to side, shorten the range of motion or slow the pace.
  • When it comes to the legs, think length over height and slow down the pace. Slower is harder.
  • Engage your abdominals to create space for your legs and don’t be afraid to use your arms to lift higher or stretch your legs. 

Swimming (10-20 reps)

Spinal extension work is essential for reversing all the daily flexion (Are you looking down at your phone right now?). Swimming is one of the most deceivingly tricky exercises in the entire Pilates repertoire. It is fantastic for strengthening the whole back body and abdominals.  

Key Points: 

  • When laying on your belly, engage your abdominals by imagining someone is trying to poke you in the belly and pull your abdominals away from the mat. Press your hip and pubic bones into your mat to anchor your pelvis. 
  • When it comes to arms and legs, think length over height. Instead of trying to lift them high, imagine your arms and legs reaching as far away from each other as possible. 
  • Your pelvis should stay solid as you complete each exercise. To prevent rocking side to side, shorten the range of motion or slow the pace.
  • Coordination is the hardest part of this exercise, so take your time as you lift and stretch your opposite arm and leg away from each other. 

These are my go-to exercises. Please let me know if you need more direction, modifications, or variations specifically tailored to your body type! Doing these exercises daily will keep you feeling strong and mobile. Remember that any bit of movement is better than no movement at all. If you need a little more direction, there are tons of 20-minute or less classes on my Online Membership.

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