2020 New Year Pilates Challenge

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15-30 min

Welcome to the 2020 New Year Pilates Challenge!

In January 2020, I did a 5-day Pilates Challenge to jump-start your health and fitness for 2020. Here are all five classes in one place for you to try out!

Class 1: Abdominals 
20 Mins (None) Everyone 
Class1 is a quick full-body workout that focuses on the abdominals.

Class 2: Upper Body
20 Mins (None) Everyone
Today’s class is another quick full-body workout that focuses on the lower body.

12 Mins (None) Everyone 
Day 3: Upper Body
Congrats, you are more than halfway through the series! Today’s class is another quick full-body workout that focuses on the upper body.

Class 4: Obliques, Rotation, and Side Bending
15 Mins (None) Everyone 
Class 4 focuses on the obliques, rotation, and side bending. This is a challenging class but super fun!

Class 5: Extension
20 Mins (None) Everyone 
You have made it to class 5 of the series! This last class is again total body with a focus on extension. Congrats, you are well on your way to establishing a consistent and frankly amazing Pilates practice.


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