It’s Okay to Take a Step Back from Exercise

First things first—if you’ve lost interest in exercising after being committed for a while, know this: it’s completely normal. Life gets hectic, our energy fluctuates, and sometimes priorities shift. And that’s okay! Taking a step back from exercise doesn’t make you lazy or undisciplined; it makes you human. What’s important is that you don’t beat yourself up over it. No rule says you have to be consistent 100% of the time. Taking a break can help you recharge and become stronger mentally and physically.

Over the past few weeks, I have had to step back from my regular exercise routine. At first, I felt like an absolute fraud. Here I am, a Pilates instructor, touting all the benefits of exercise and why you should ALWAYS make time, and I am not making time. I am actively choosing something else over my Pilates practice. This morning, it was time with my book. I needed time to zone out and not time for a moment. This move has been more overwhelming than I anticipated, and I am trying to give myself grace and listen to my body. Over the past few weeks, my body has told me to rest and focus on settling my family into our new home. Luckily, my house is now organized, and the kids are comfortable with their routines. I am settled enough to resume my regular routines and am excited. Like I said before, taking a break can help energize you and help you come back stronger than ever.

If you are like me and ready to jump back in, here are a few of my favorite ways to get started.

Start Small and Build Momentum:

When you’re unmotivated, diving back into a full workout routine can feel overwhelming. Instead of focusing on doing it all, focus on doing something. Start with 10 or 15 minutes of movement a day. A short walk, a quick Pilates session, or stretching can do wonders. The key is to build small wins and regain that momentum.

Remember Your ‘Why:

Think back to what initially motivated you to exercise. Was it to feel more energized, improve your health, or relieve stress? Reconnect with that original motivation and remind yourself how good you felt in your routine. Keeping your “why” at the forefront can help reignite your passion. Personally, I feel better, move better, and sleep better when I exercise regularly. 

Mix Things Up

Sometimes, we lose interest because our routine becomes, well, too routine. If your usual workout has become stale, try switching things up. Sign up for a new class, try a different style of movement, explore a new environment, or try out a new studio. Variety keeps things interesting and keeps your body challenged in new ways.

Schedule Exercise Like an Appointment

Busy women often struggle with finding time for themselves. One of the best ways to stay consistent is to treat your workout like any other appointment—put it in your calendar and stick to it like you would a work meeting or a doctor’s appointment. Having it scheduled can make it feel more essential and non-negotiable. **This is my number 1 suggestion for staying consistent with exercise**

Find an Accountability Partner

It’s easier to stay motivated when you have someone cheering you on. Find a friend or join a community where you can check in with others about your progress. Accountability can give you that little extra push on days when you don’t feel like showing up. This is also why working with a private instructor or joining a group class can be really helpful. Someone is waiting for you and counting on you to show up! 

Remember, fitness is a journey, not a destination. It’s okay to ebb and flow in your commitment to exercise, especially as life changes. What matters most is finding ways to prioritize your health consistently—even if that looks different from week to week. Start small, be kind to yourself, and remember that it’s never too late to get back on track.

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