Be your best every day, and be ok with your best not being the same every day. I heard this on a podcast a while back, and it gave me so much freedom!
Some days, you will kill your 50-minute workout and hop off your mat feeling like a total bada$$! On other days your best might be a walk around the block. That is OK! On other days your best might be lying on the couch and binging Netflix. As long as you are honest with yourself and what is possible on any given day, you are doing your best, and that’s the only thing you can ask of yourself!
Also, remember, you are a grown a$$ adult, and no one else will be policing you. Why would you want to live a life where you aren’t your absolute best? You only get this one life, one body, one chance…make it one you can be proud of and look back on with pride!